Happy Birthday, Oregon

Today, February 14, 2024, you are 165 years old. I’m a born and raised Oregonian and am so proud to live in this beautiful, eclectic, and incredibly special state. Let’s dive into a fun, brief Oregon history lesson.

  • In 1859, Oregon became the 33rd state to join the United States.

  • Oregon and Arizona both hold Valentine’s Birthdays 53 years apart.

  • The population of Oregon in 1959 at one hundred years old was 1,746,000. In 2024, sixty-five years later, we’re logging in at 4,227,337 - that is a LOT of growth.

  • The Charles and Melinda Applegate House in Yoncalla (roughly 2.5 hours South of Portland) is the oldest known residence in Oregon that has remained in continuous family ownership since its constriction. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. The Molalla Log House is known for being possibly the state’s oldest structure.

  • The capital city of Oregon is Salem. In fact, I grew up in the “Cherry city”. I insist you visit the Capital Mall Park and view the gorgeous cherry blossoms in spring!

  • The largest city in Oregon is, of course, Portland, with a 2024 population of 618,451.

  • Our state bird is the western meadowlark, our state flower is the Oregon grape, and the state tree is drumroll, please… the Douglas fir.

  • We are known outside of our 98,381 square mile boundary to others in our great nation for a wide variety of reasons, but most of them being (in no preferential order): Mount Hood, marionberries, Nike, Tillamook cheese, Crater Lake, donuts, bicycles, The Oregon Trail/Lewis and Clark, wineries especially Pinot Noir, beavers, ducks, the Simpsons, soccer, Portlandia, breweries and of course, rain.

  • Some notable public figures born in OR include: Sam Elliott, Phil Knight, Gus Van Sant, Matt Groening, Beverly Cleary, James Beard, Ann Curry, River Phoenix, David Hume Kennerly, Ty Burrell, Kaitlin Olson, and Courtney Love.

  • There are 36 counties in Oregon and 241 cities. How many have you been to?

To conclude our lesson, I will share the lovely words of former Oregon Governor Tom McCall. “Oregon is an inspiration. Whether you come to it, or are born to it, you become entranced by our state’s beauty, the opportunity she affords, and the independent spirit of her citizens.”

Ashli Hughes | Flight Path ATX

My name is Ashli Hughes and my passion is helping small businesses thrive.


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